By: Russ Kern : December 06 2020 :
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Special Programs
Do you remember a time in your life when you were working as hard as you could to reach a goal and times were financially tough? Many of today’s college students are in this exact situation. It is estimated that 30% of college students have difficulty meeting their own basic necessities. The Good News Committee invites you to assist our local universities in meeting the needs of these hard working students. We invite you to help students at Malone by gathering food during December that will be donated in early January to the Malone University Student Pantry. To make the collection/donation extra enjoyable this holiday season we offer you the:
10 Days of Christmas Challenge!
The idea is to collect 10 items from several categories — one on each day beginning 10 days before Christmas or all 10 at once—whatever works best for you. The following are suggestions for items:
A few things to keep in mind: all food items need to be able to sit on a shelf without refrigeration and, if heating is required, items need to be microwaveable (students don’t always have access to stove/ovens or cookware). Due to Covid 19, the university academic calendar may change, and the students may be taking classes on-line only. Please make sure the expiration date of items is as far in the future as possible.
- Boxed cereal
- Individual oatmeal
- Breakfast/granola bars
- Muffins or donuts
- Individual servings of fruits
- Canned pasta
- Soup
- Easy Mac & Cheese
- Peanut Butter & Jelly
- Bar soap/body wash
- Hand soap
- Feminine hygiene products
- Deodorant
- Toothpaste/brush
- Dental floss
- Laundry detergent
- Paper/plastic plates, bowls & silverware
Please drop items off at the delivery door of the church. Place items in the box marked Malone University Pantry by Sunday, January 3rd.