2020 Giving Tree

2020 Giving Tree

Russ Kern's avatar By: Russ Kern : December 06 2020 : (0) Comments Outreach 

Our Giving Tree, like so many other things in 2020, is going to look much different this year due to the Covid-19 situation in our country and state. There won’t be a tree to pick a tag off of but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a need to help those who may be struggling. In fact, the need is even greater due to the number of families who have lost their incomes. This year we are focusing on helping an elementary school in our area that has a number of children who need our help.

Our goal is to collect enough boys sweat pants or jogging pants and/or girls leggings to give each of these children at least one pair of some very basic clothing items. We have committed to providing five boys sweat pants/jogging pants in each of the following sizes: 5/6, 7/8 and 10/12. Likewise, we need five girls sweat pants/leggings in each of the following sizes: 5/6, 7/8 and 10/12.

Want to do more? These same children are always in need of underwear and socks so consider adding these items (sizes the same as above) to your donation. Our main goal is to make sure these kids can keep their legs warm during the winter, but it’s sure nice to have socks and underwear, too.

Items can be purchased at ‘brick & mortar’ retail stores, or they can be ordered online. Feel free to have them shipped directly to the church if that makes it easier for you. Deadline for delivering the items (please do not wrap them!) to the church is Thursday, December 15th. If you prefer to simply donate money, we will do the shopping for you. Please have your money to the church by December 12th to allow sufficient time for shopping.

A collection box is provided near the delivery door. Remember: don’t wrap anything! Feel free to stop by anytime to drop off your donation.

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