Fleece Blanket Service Project God’s Work. Our Hands.

Fleece Blanket Service Project God’s Work. Our Hands.

Krista Smith's avatar By: Krista Smith : September 02 2020 : (0) Comments

We are excited to announce that despite the challenges of Covid-19, we will continue our tradition of making fleece blankets for the Akron Children’s Hospital CARE unit.

The process will look a bit different this year but will return the same great results as past years. We plan to make blanket kits available to pick up Sunday, September 6 from 12pm to 1pm in the upper parking lot at St. Jacob’s. These kits can be taken home to assemble, cut and tie. You will have until October 25th to complete the blankets and bring them back to the church.

Seed money from Thrivent Action Teams has been used to purchase the material. Each ‘blanket kit’ will have the edges already trimmed. We do ask that everyone use a yardstick and/or ruler to make 1” cuts that are 5” long. It might make cutting a bit more difficult for some, but the results is well worth the extra time it takes!! The best way to tie the blanket is to use the same knot used to tie a balloon after you blow it up! Instructions will be included with each kit—and include a link to an instructional video.

For those who would like to work together in the Garnes Hall to make the blankets, join us on Wednesday, Sept. 9th or Thursday, Sept. 10th from 1pm to 3pm. Bring sharp scissors or a rotary cutter and mat and a ruler. Masks must be worn and tables will be set up so to encourage social distancing. Space is limited, so contact Marilyn D. or the church office to reserve your spot.

We will also offer pre-cut blanket kits for those who struggle with scissors and making cuts all the way around a blanket. Fleece is not always easy to cut, so be sure to ask for a pre-cut kit if you find that helpful. These kits simply require knotting.

There will be a sign up sheet when you take home a ‘blanket kit’ so that we can follow up with you to make sure the finished blanket is returned.

It’s great to to do God’s work with Our Hands!

May God bless the hands of those who make the blankets and warm the heart & soul of those who use the blankets!

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