God’s Work Our Hands Activities

God’s Work Our Hands Activities

Krista Smith's avatar By: Krista Smith : September 04 2019 : (0) Comments

A recurring theme at the FOCUS 2019 workshops has been seeking out ways to move beyond our walls and truly impact our community with action not just dollars. God’s Work Our Hands Sunday presented the perfect opportunity for us to do just that!

The morning began with a healing service during which we offered prayers for healing in conjunction with the celebration of communion, and we blessed the Mission Quilts and Personal Care Kits that will be taken to the Lutheran World Relief drop off point on October 5th to begin their journey around the globe to the arms of people suffering poverty and tragedy.

Following worship, we joined in a time of fellowship and light refreshment during which we met and learned from representatives of local agencies including: Hartville Migrant Center, Hammer & Nails, Lake Township FISH, & Love Our Community. We had a unique opportunity to re-connect with these familiar groups with a mindset newly focused on mission to our community.

We will did multiple hands-on service projects including:

  • Tying fleece blankets for Akron Children’s
  • Assembling Personal Care Kits
  • Packing quilts & kits
  • Tagging and packing stuffies for Kayla’s Kids
  • Trimming and knotting lap quilts
  • Sorting used clothing by size and into usable outfits
  • Assembling basic tool kits
  • Assembling first aid kits

Thank you to everyone who was part of God’s Work Our Hands Sunday!

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