God’s Work.Our Hands Fleece Blankets

God’s Work.Our Hands Fleece Blankets

Krista Smith's avatar By: Krista Smith : October 04 2021 : (0) Comments

Akron Children’s Hospital CARE unit truly appreciates the blankets we make for them every fall.  Please pick up blanket kits on Sunday, October 3rd from 1 - 3 pm in the upper parking lot at St. Jacob’s during the fish fry.  You will have until October 31st to complete the blankets and return them to the church.

Each ‘blanket kit’ will have the selvage edges already trimmed.  Please use a yardstick and/or ruler to make 1” cuts that are 5” long.  It might make cutting a bit more difficult for some, but the result is well worth the extra time it takes! The best way to tie the blanket is to use the same knot used to tie a balloon after you blow it up.  For those who need to have the blanket already cut, there will be some single layer blankets available (these are for those who struggle with scissors to make cuts all the way around a blanket). 

There will be a sign-up sheet to indicate how many you take home.  Once finished return the blankets to door D (where keypad is located).  Please return the safety pins and the corner cuts of fleece, as well, so that they can be re-used or re-purposed.

Instructions for making the blankets here.

 May God bless the hands of those who make the blankets

and warm the heart & soul of those who use the blankets!


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