By: Krista Smith : November 08 2021 :
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Advent and Christmas are just around the corner. It's so great to be worshiping together this holiday season! Let's make the church especially beautiful this year! Here's how you can help:
- Volunteer your time on Saturday, Dec. 4th starting at 10AM to help decorate the church for the Advent and Christmas season. Light snacks will follow. See a member of the Social Ministry committee with any questions. (page 9 of the November Evangel)
- Order poinsettia plants that will be used to decorate the sanctuary for the Christmas Eve service. Flowers are red in color in 6.5 inch pots with 3-5 large blooms per plant. Cost is $9.50 per plant. Use our online giving portal or make checks out to St. Jacob's and note "Christmas flowers" in the memo line. Printed order forms are available in the hospitality area or simply click HERE to go directly to our electronic sign-up. Orders due by Sunday, December 5th. Contact the office or Kathy Bourn with questions.
Thank you for helping to make our church beautiful for the holiday season!