By: Krista Smith : September 22 2020 :
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It’s true that the average person hears the words In-Gathering and scratches their head wondering what in the world is an In-Gathering? But those among us who participate in quilting and who organize our collection drives benefiting Lutheran World Relief for health and school kits perk right up when they hear those words!
Each year throughout the country, churches play host to In-Gatherings, and this year St. Jacob’s has joined the fun. We will throw open our doors and receive box after box of quilts and kits from across the state of Ohio. Those items being stored in church basements and other hidey-holes over the last year will flow into our building, be stored briefly in the fellowship hall, then movers will pack the boxes into a semi truck to be hauled to the staging warehouse in Maryland where they will be broken down, repacked and sent out across the globe to people in desperate need of basic necessities.
Why are we doing this? It’s simple: we have the space, a central location, and well, we can. It’s a perfect fit in our tradition of offering our building and our volunteers to support our community: Our hands to do God’s Work.
Many churches have cancelled their In-Gatherings (including the church in Seville where we normally deliver our quilts and kits) due to Covid-19; however, we are blessed to have safety protocols in place and space that will enable us to host a safe In-Gathering.
Please consider volunteering during the In-Gathering.
We will need people to help unload cars, move boxes into Garnes Hall, and stack them appropriately. We will also need volunteers to direct traffic in our upper parking lot. Area ELCA congregations are being invited to send a crew of volunteers, as well, but that does not always come to fruition, so consider how you and your family/friends can volunteer, and contact Krista at the church or sign up using the Sign-Up Genius link. No one is too old or too young to help! Sign up today!
Dates and Times are:
- Oct. 14th: 3pm-7pm
- Oct. 15th: 9am – noon
- Oct. 16th: noon – 4pm
- Oct. 17th: 9am-4pm
- Oct. 18th: noon-3pm