By: Krista Smith : August 05 2017 :
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submitted by Linda Edwards
The Kayla’s Kids Program came to life December 2012. Linda Edwards came up with the idea after seeing the comfort a stuffed animal brought to her granddaughter, Kayla, who was undergoing some medical procedures. Linda began collecting, cleaning and sanitizing ‘Stuffies’, as she called them, with the thought of giving them to other children who may be facing a similar scary situation. Linda appealed to other members of St. Jacob’s to join her and Kayla’s Kids was born.
*The first distribution of 75 Stuffies was given to the Lake Township FISH Pantry in March of 2013. In fact, Lake Township FISH Pantry received more donations before the close of 2013 that brought the total to 441. In 2014 they received 450 and in 2015 another 450. Beginning in 2016 they received 100 per month for a total of 1200 and now through August they have received a total of 800 making their total to date 3,341.
*Next the Hartville Migrant Workers’ children, who are required to get their vaccinations each summer as they arrive, have received 100 to date.
*The LaTrinidad families of the Lutheran Church on Raff Road in Canton, Ohio have received 50 to date.
*Camp Quality of Ohio is a Summer Camp for children with cancer ages 5 through 18 received 200.
*Cathedral of Life Church received 25, the Danbury in North Canton received 75, Altercare of Hartville received 200, and another Nursing Facility received 50 from a member of our Congregation thru Kayla’s Kids.
*Private Individuals received 64.
*The Police and Fire Departments of Hartville, Uniontown-Green received 100.
*Our Youth Group received 75 in June of 2017 to be disbursed to those they selected as a project.
Now let’s add the totals of all the recipients since March 2013. Kayla’s Kids has disbursed a final grand total of 4,280 stuffed animals in our Community. What makes this great is each one is tagged with a card that names our Church, address and phone….but most important is the message our congregation spreads on the reverse side of the card that reads “I am with you always.” Matthew 28:20
A huge thank you to each of you that made this possible. Every single Stuffie helped us reach these numbers. We could not have accomplished this without that one or more Stuffie that you donated or funds provided by three Thrivent Action Team Members.
If you are in need of a Stuffed Animal for someone that is ill or having troubled times, please take a look at the black table across from our church mailboxes. Choose one you like. They are in clear plastic bags so you can actually see the one you want to take to your loved one, neighbor or friend. They are full of prayers as each of them has been ’prayed on’ for healing and comfort for the recipient. If you need a gift bag and tissue paper help yourself, they are under the table.
In closing may God bless each of you. Linda Edwards, Marcia Brown, Jan Hart, Wilma Werstler, Joelle McIlroy, Cathy Meek, Linda Wine and Susan Mosley.