Outreach Collection for May

Outreach Collection for May

Krista Smith's avatar By: Krista Smith : May 05 2018 : (0) Comments Outreach 

Ronald McDonald House Meal: Sunday, June 3rd

Looking for a new way to serve as a disciple of Christ? The Social Ministry Committee is looking for a few volunteers who like to cook and socialize. On Sunday, June 3rd, we are preparing a dinner for the 100 or so guests at the Ronald McDonald House. Volunteers (you!) will prepare the meal of spaghetti, salad and rolls in our kitchen starting at 2PM — we could use your help. Bakers are also needed to make brownies or Texas sheet cake at home to be dropped off at the church on June 3rd.

Volunteers will travel to Akron at 4:30PM to serve the meal at the newly remodeled Ronald McDonald House. Anyone interested in taking a tour of the facility is welcome to join us.

You will find sign up sheets posted for helping with meal, baking desserts, and/or the tour. You choose how you can serve! In addition to the meal we are sharing, we will be taking the food collected from our May collection drive to Ronald McDonald House. Questions? Contact Marilyn Dietz.

May Collection Drive for Ronald McDonald House

During the month of May, our Social Ministry Committee is sponsoring a collection for the Ronald McDonald House of Akron. Since 1985, Ronald McDonald House of Akron has helped thousands of families stay close to their sick children undergoing treatment at Akron Children’s Hospital. Their services allow parents to focus on their child without the worrying about their next meal or where they’ll get some much needed rest. St. Jacob’s has supported the Ronald McDonald House for over 30 years by providing many dozens of home baked cookies, and we are excited to extend our support to help them keep their kitchen and pantry stocked.

Please consider donating any of the following items to help keep their Kitchen and Pantry stocked. Donations can be placed in the appropriate box in the hospitality area.

  • Juice boxes/bags
  • Single serving - salty snacks (chips, pretzels, crackers)
  • Rigatoni Cereal (family and individual sizes)
  • Manwich Canned fruit
  • Bread Crumbs Granola bars, fruit snacks, raisin packs
  • Canned frosting Salad Dressing (other than Ranch & Italian)
  • Box Potatoes Microwave popcorn
  • Chicken/Beef Broth Mac & Cheese individual serving cups
  • Cake Mixes Pudding, fruit and Jello cups

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