Single Service Celebration

Single Service Celebration

Krista Smith's avatar By: Krista Smith : May 02 2018 : (0) Comments

Our first Single Service Celebration was a hit!

On April 29th, we worshiped together as one group at 9:30AM. Normally we worship in two services (8AM and 10:30AM), so it was great to reconnect with friends who attend the other service as we worshiped together. Hopefully we even made a few new friends! Worship was especially enjoyable thanks to a fabulous anthem by our choir and a children’s sermon that got the whole congregation involved as we, in Twister-like fashion, stretched around to hold hands to make a vine that began with the baptismal font and included everyone in the sanctuary!

The fun continued right into lunch. The amazing cooks of St. Jacob’s provided delicious soups, salads, and desserts, and we spent quality time enjoying the company of friends.

We ended the morning with a VBS decoration making party! Everyone stayed to help kick off The Rolling River Rampage VBS by lending a hand making the decorations we will use in June. We made huge strides and are well on our way to the best VBS yet!

Our fist Single Service Celebration was a time of renewal and joy!

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