Weekly Schedule for Holy Week

Weekly Schedule for Holy Week

By: Caroline Paris : April 04 2023 : (0) Comments

Holy Week Events 2023

Please join us as we celebrate Holy Week at St. Jacob's


Art Meditation & Prayer Stations - stop in and view the Prayer Stations set-up in Garnes Hall. This is at your leisure.


Labyrinth - walk the Labyrinth in Garnes Hall. Take the time to meditate and pray as you walk this spiritual maze.


Maundy Thursday - April 6th at 6:30pm. This is a Youth group led dinner service. Guests are asked to bring a dish for a potluck dinner to share as we gather around the table in Garnes Hall, much like the disciples might have, for a family friendly service that flows right into a meal together.


Good Friday - 7pm. Prayer service around the cross. This will be a contemplative service built around the hymn Were You There .


Easter Celebration

Sunrise Service - at 7am. We will meet in the Pavilion for a brief and informal service of hymns, readings and prayers. Hot coffee and donuts will be available after the Sunrise Service until 9:45 am.


Easter Worship - 10am. A choir anthem in the the Sanctuary - live streamed on Facebook.


Hoping to see you this week - All Are Welcome!

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