Quilters Corner

Member's In Action

Blessing of our Quilts

Notes for the Quilters…

Our numbers are not large but we accomplish a lot—making senior quilts for our own congregation, as well as, many quilts for Lutheran World Relief.  Jan Hart always shares some quilting hints as well as Bible wisdom.

We have both sewing and non-sewing jobs at quilting. If you can iron or tie a knot, we can use your talent just as much as if you are a master of stitchery! We can always use individuals to work on projects at home,too, so please call Joelle for at home work. Long winter nights would be a good time to accomplish something useful for our friends at Lutheran World Relief.

Those who don't sew but want to help: keep in mind that our quilters always need old bed sheets as well as thread. If you are sorting and cleaning, please remember that we welcome your donation of any fabric, sheets, or thread. Simply deposit the items in the container inside the south west corner of Garnes Hall (door B).

The group  gets started at 10am once a month (usually a Monday), break for lunch around noon. Feel free to bring a pot luck dish to share or a brown bag lunch. You can stay as long as you want, they usually “tie things up” in the early afternoon. Don’t be shy—we hope to see you there!

Check the calendar on the website for selected dates each month.


Feel free to contact Joelle using the General Contact Form with any questions.

Where in the World do our Quilts Go?


  • El Salvador June 2018
  • Mali June 2018
  • Zambia July 2018
  • Dubai August 2018
  • Iraq, Tanzania Sept. 2018
  • Armenia, Zambia Sept. 2018
  • Mauritania, Jan. 2019
  • Mail, June 2019

Health Kits:

  • Armenia, June 2018
  • Zambia, July 2018
  • Zimbabwe, February 2019
  • Haiti, February 2019
  • Mali, June 2019

St. Jacob's is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America. Visit the ELCA Website.

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