A Camping We Will Go….

A Camping We Will Go….

Krista Smith's avatar By: Krista Smith : April 19 2016 : (0) Comments

Spark Sunday School Kids Off to Camp!

In an effort to bolster our presence at summer church camp, we have been gradually introducing our youngest children to the idea of going to camp. We began with “Pretend We’re At Camp” Sunday in February, where activities included camp songs around an in-door campfire, special crafts, games and stories. We took it one step further and actually went to Camp Mowana for a camp preview day on April 3rd. Even though it snowed, we had tons of fun! The kids got to participate in lots of camp activities including tours of the camp, picnic lunch, crafts, camp fire, hot dog roasting, singing funny songs and other fun activities. We are looking forward to sending a group of kids to Camp Mowana for a week of fun this summer! It’s a great way to learn about God, form lasting friendships and have fun! For more information on Lutheran summer camps check out the LOMO website!

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