Barter Bake Sale

Barter Bake Sale

By: Caroline Paris : March 26 2024 : (0) Comments

Barter Bake Sale -  April 14th.  

Come & attend this fund raiser to benefit our Little Food Pantry. How it works: Members who wish to buy a "Baked Good" will need to bring in items of canned / packaged food that can be used in the Little Food Pantry. You decide what items to trade and how many for the bake goods available.

If you wish to prepare and donate bake goods, we are kindly asking our congregational members to consider donating  baked goods (cookies, pie, cake, muffins, brownies etc.) that can be used in the bake sale.  Please sign up on the church bulletin board with your name and what you will bring. Thank you!

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