Celebration of Pastor’s 30 Years of Ordination

Celebration of Pastor’s 30 Years of Ordination

Krista Smith's avatar By: Krista Smith : July 30 2016 : (0) Comments

Celebrating Our Pastor’s 30 Years of Ordination

On Sunday, July 24th, we celebrated the 30 Year Anniversary of the Ordination of our pastor, the Rev. Dr. Leah K. Schafer. We are truly blessed to have a Pastor with a godly heart and a spirit of kindness.

We were especially blessed to welcome to Pastor Karl Bierman, Assistant to the Bishop for the Northeast Ohio Synod, who delivered the sermon and assisted with the service, and the parents of Pastor Schafer who served as communion assistants during this special service. We were also honored to have friends from St. Stephen in Stow and other colleagues and members of Pastor Schafer’s family in attendance for this special service.

We marked this anniversary by making a donation to Global Missions on Pastor Schafer’s behalf and a presented her with a photo montage to remind her of her time at St. Jacob’s. She was also showered with gift cards to some of her favorite places and received a quilt marking the occasion! The congregation and guests enjoyed a time of fellowship and celebration during and after worship.

Thank you, Pastor Schafer, for all you do for our congregation and warmest congratulations on this career milestone!

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