Dinner for the Martin Center

Dinner for the Martin Center

Krista Smith's avatar By: Krista Smith : February 08 2017 : (0) Comments

The Martin Center, located in the southeast section of Canton, Ohio, is an after school program for area teenagers. Located in the old Martin Elementary School, the program is a non-profit Christian organization started by Terry and Brenda Hunka. Check them out on Face Book at https://www.facebook.com/themartincenter!

No government funds are used to support the Martin Center. To help defray some of the expense of running the program, some of the second floor class rooms are rented out to organizations that work with teenagers. Heritage Christian School also plays their home basketball at the Martin Center.

Among other teen-centered programming, the Martin Center offers an exercise room with donated exercise equipment and a dance studio complete with mirrors and barres. Help with homework is offered, as are music lessons for drum, guitar and keyboard.

Many of the teenagers who come to the Center are hungry. The Martin Center partners with area congregations to feed 40 to 80 teenagers four nights a week. A group of our members joins together several times each year, leverages seed money provided from Thrivent Financial Action Team Grants, and prepares meals for the teens at the Martin Center.

We love to cook. They love to eat! It’s a win-win!

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