God’s Work Our Hands Sunday

God’s Work Our Hands Sunday

Krista Smith's avatar By: Krista Smith : October 02 2016 : (0) Comments

God’s Work, Our Hands Sunday Produces More Than 60 Blankets! Wow!

Thank you to everyone who helped with the fleece blanket project benefitting Akron Children’s Hospital! We had a great turnout on Sept. 11th and made lots of progress on the blankets. Many people also took fleece home to make blankets around their busy schedules.

Guess what?! There are still more blankets prepped and ready for anyone who would like to work on one (or more!) at home. If you are interested, fleece and instructions are available in Garnes Hall. If you will be working on a blanket from home, please try to bring the finished product back to Garnes Hall by October 23rd.

Thank you to Marilyn Dietz and Marty Carman and everyone who prepped the blankets! We don’t have an exact count at this point, but it appears that we will have made more than 60 blankets when we are finished.

May God bless the hands of those who made the blankets and warm the heart and soul of those who use the blankets!

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