Lenten Schedule 2024

Lenten Schedule 2024

By: Caroline Paris : January 29 2024 : (0) Comments

St. Jacob's Lenten Schedule

Our Lenten Bible study series will be based around the Sanctified Art materials called “Wandering Hearts.”  We will hear the stories of the life and faith of Peter, one of Jesus’ most famous disciples.  He is a person who is both steadfast and unsteady, a dear friend and betrayer, a follower and a wanderer.  In Peter, we often see ourselves.  We will hear and study the stories of Peter’s attempt to understand who Jesus is and follow him step by step.  
Our Bible study together will include food, fellowship, hearing the stories and applying them to our own lives.

Bible Study will take place every Thursday in Lent.  We will eat at 6:15p and begin our Bible study around 6:30p.  When we are at the church, dinner will be provided.  When we are out in the community, folks will chose to order dinner, snacks or drinks at their own expense.

February 22 - Church
February 29 - Maize Valley - (6193 Edison St NE, Hartville OH 44632) Tell them you’re with St. Jacob’s and order at the table.
March 7 - Church
March 14 - Howlin Bird (123 S Main St, North Canton, OH 44720) - Order food at the counter and find a seat with our group

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