Toy and Tea Party

Toy and Tea Party

Krista Smith's avatar By: Krista Smith : February 29 2016 : (0) Comments

On Sunday, February 28th following worship, members and friends gathered for a Toy and Tea Party luncheon. Everyone brought a favorite doll or toy to display and enjoyed great food and lots of fun! Half of the group participated in a tea party that would have made the Queen of England proud, while the other half enjoyed an informal lunch of subs and pizza. The highlight of the afternoon was hearing stories about the dolls and toys. The little kids with their special dolls were very cute, but the best part of the day was watching the faces of adults light up as they described the doll or toy they brought to share. We saw antique vehicles of all types, a very cool table top electronic football game circa 1950, a quilt made from squares stitched 70 years ago by a then 8 year old young man battling tuberculosis, a Mrs. Beasley doll, dolls from China, Raggedy Anne and Andy, and many special tea sets. Thanks to a Thrivent Action Team grant, we were able to purchase and make delicious food for the luncheon so all the donations we collected went directly to the Youth Mission Fund. Thank you to everyone who participated and shared their special toy or doll! It was a great party!

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